The Center for Addiction Research and Treatment (CITA) is committed to any intervention that may help increase and strengthen a healthy physical and cognitive habits. We believe that addiction treatment should be a comprehensive treatment, because only from a holistic perspective we can achieve a truly effective and lasting work for rehabilitation after a detoxification process. To this end, we present this table of neurobics exercises, a gym of mind to facilitate our brain work better.

Neurobics exercises to fit your brain

The brain needs exercise to function better in the same way that our body needs gym to keep full of energy and without pains. Over the years, the brain also loses its productive capacity and, if you do not train, begins to fail. The American neuroscientist Larry Katz, author of “Keep your brain alive,” created the so called neurobics gymn: a routine of special exercises for the brain. Katz’s theory is based on the argument that, as the body needs exercise to develop in full and balanced, the mind also needs training and stimulation. It is common, for example, that certain routines will be carried out mechanically, and up unconscious. The objective is to use neurobics exercises to stimulate the five senses, forcing us to pay more attention to the actions that we perform on a daily basis, which improves our power of attention and memory. “Do not try to add new activities to your routine , but do them differently as held every day. ” The “neurobics” exercises help to develop motor and mental skills that we have in our daily lives, although they are not related to memory.

How neurobics gym works?

The neurobics gymnastics involves investment of some common movements in our daily routine, it alters our perception without change to our routine. The goal is to run consciously actions that generate emotional reactions and brain. The exercises range from read backwards, to greet the neighbor who never gives good morning in the elevator. Neurobics routine affects the physical, emotional and mental aspects of our body. These are the habits that help stimulate the production of nutrients in the brain, developing your cells and making it healthier. The more trained than the brain, the more refined it will be. The Neurobics not require extreme fitness tests: instead of enrolling in a math Olympiad and learned dozens of formulas, try to walk with your eyes closed or dressed with the lights off. The proposal is to change Neurobics gymnastics routines to “force” the memory. Therefore it is advisable to turn the frames to be careful, or change the route to go to work, a twist on the routine.


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    The role of the senses

    The neurobics exercises program provides brain experiences that are off the beaten path, using various combinations of senses (sight, smell, touch, taste and hearing), in addition to the “way” related to emotions and socialization. The exercises use the five senses to stimulate the natural tendency of the brain to form associations between different types of information. The program provides exercises neurobics brain experiences that are off the beaten path, using various combinations of senses (sight, smell, touch, taste and hearing), in addition to the “way” related to emotions and socialization. The exercises use the five senses to stimulate the natural tendency of the brain to form associations between different types of information.

    Exercises to get a body 40 and having a mind 20 years

    Not true, the Neurobics not return his brain at age 20, but may help you to access the archive of memories. We can not increase our brain power, but with exercise you can activate those brain areas that stopped using due to lack of training. The only way to stimulate the brain is exercising it, so who always cares for her brain reduces the chance of brain diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease.

    The training step by step

    The neurobics challenge is to do everything contrary to the automatic acts, forcing the brain to make an extra effort. For example:

    1. Use the wristwatch on the opposite arm to that commonly used.
    2. Walk back and forth from home.
    3. Dress with eyes closed.
    4. Stimulate the palate trying different foods.
    5. Read or watch pictures upside down, focusing on details in which you had never noticed.
    6. Set the clock before a mirror to see the time backwards.
    7. Change the computer mouse to the other side of the table.
    8. Type or brush your teeth with your left hand, or right, if you are left-handedness.
    9. Way to work, take a different route than usual.
    10. Enter small changes in your habits, transforming them into challenges for your brain.
    11. Browse through some magazines and find a picture that catches your attention. Then think of 25 adjectives that you think describe the image or photographed subject.
    12. When you go to a restaurant, try to identify the ingredients of the dish chosen, and focus on the more subtle flavors.
    13. When entering a crowded room, try to figure out how many are on the right side and how many on the left. Look at the details of decoration and list them with closed eyes.
    14. Select a phrase from a book and try to form a different phrase using the same words.
    15. Try playing a game or activity that has ever practiced.
    16. Buy a puzzle and try to fit the right pieces as fast as you can, timing the time. Repeat the exercise to see their progress in speed.
    17. Try to memorize the shopping list.
    18. Consult the dictionary and learn a new word a day. Try to use them in your daily conversations.
    19. Listen to news radio and television as wakes and later make a list with the most important.
    20. When you are reading a word think in another five that begin with the same letter.

    CITA for addictions treatment

    CITA is the abbreviation of Center for Addiction Research and Treatment. We are a detoxification and rehabilitation center with over thirty years in the treatment of addictions. Our working method is accredited by the high rate of customer satisfaction. At our facilities Dosrius (30 min from Barcelona) and the city of Barcelona over seventy staff of professionals are one of the centers of reference in Spain and in Europe for the treatment of addictions. If you want to know more about us visit CITA’s website. If you have any specific questions, you may contact us at the contact form or phone numbers +0034 93 791 80 80 or +0034 93 791 80 08


    Autor: Comunicación Clínicas CITA

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