Treatment for cocaine addiction

Cocaine is one of the ubuiquitous ‘designer drugs’ that can be very habit-forming. Cocaine addiction often needs rehab and a holistic treatment program – both of which we offer at CITA.


Tratamiento para dejar la cocaína

Quitting cocaine is not an easy task. Several different withdrawal responses start when you stop using coke and in most cases, patients require a detox and a specialised centre like CITA. That is why deciding to undergo a managed treatment programme like ours is not only highly recommended but has also proven to be highly effective.

CITA is a pioneering centre for rehabiliation from cocaine addiction and has more than 30 years of experience with this specific type of dependency.

How can I stop using cocaine?

“I want to stop doing cocaine” – this is the first step. It is quit possible to quit but it is essential that the user has the will to do so.

However, it is not only about stopping the use and taking the prescribed medication, but also about working on the lifestyle around cocaine. In other words, people addicted to drugs usually build up habits and rituals that need to be identified and eliminated.

We help achieve that using psychotherapeutic sessions with qualified, addiction treatment professionals. Through these sessions it is possible to see which elements of the patient’s lifestyle led them to use and to eliminate these completely in order to avoid a relapse in the future.

What does this mean? The patient will probably have to stop doing certain activities and, above all, stop seeing certain friends who are still using and have not decided to take the step to stop. Intending to quit cocaine and staying in contact with someone who is a regular user is an impossible task.

If the patient wants to learn how to stop taking cocaine, it is necessary to follow the plans and strategies drawn up by our professionals, which have been personalised and adapted to their profile, symptoms and behaviour.

At CITA, we want to teach you what you need to do to stop taking cocaine, what the treatment consists of and how to overcome addiction successfully.


Quitting cocaine

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Treatment for quitting cocaine starts with an immediate interruption of cocaine use to begin the detox process. The following stages of rehabilitation and reintegration are achieved through psychological counselling and initiating a change in the patient’s habits. Motivation and overcoming obstacles through hard work will be key to progress.

This type of treatment and therapy requires the initial consent of the cocaine addict to demonstrate that he or she is aware of the problem. 

If someone wants to quit using cocaine, it is important to avoid starting treatment alone. This helps the user avoid the assessment and support of psychologists and medication prescribed by specialists, both of which are paramount to recovery.

For example, it is often necessary for addiction professionals to prescribe antidepressants to control the patient’s anxiety and mood, especially early on in the process.

Once this stage has passed and the user has overcome physical dependence, treating psychological dependence and treating root cause/ s can begin.

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    What our patients say about us

    Sonia PazSonia Paz
    13:49 31 Mar 22
    Los terapeutas y auxiliares atienden muy bien las necesidades de su paciente, y los recepcionistas responden a todas las dudas y preguntas de forma amable y rápida. En general son todos muy profesionales y serios en su trabajo, además el lugar es agradable y superbonito.
    Javier CudeiroJavier Cudeiro
    11:15 28 Mar 22
    Un lugar para reflexionar, escuchar, aprender de otros y aceptar cómo eres.Magníficos profesionales que te ayudarán durante tu estancia y después de ella.Un remanso de paz que irá apareciendo de forma más y más clara, si te comprometes contigo mismo.
    mathew MJmathew MJ
    15:20 20 Mar 22
    CITA, un centro ideal para ayudar a las personas con problemas de adicción y salud mental. Yo ingresé hace 2 años y medio y no me arrepiento de nada, fue una etapa mala de mi vida, gracias a saber aprovechar la oportunidad que me dieron tanto mi familia como Cita ahora soy otro ser distinto, ánimo a toda esa persona que necesite ayuda que se deje ayudar por profesionales de verdad, animaros para daros una segunda oportunidad.
    Info VilafrancaInfo Vilafranca
    14:47 28 Feb 22
    Conozco de cerca su increíble equipo de médicos y puedo avalar su profesionalidad y su alto índice de recuperación que tienen en sus pacientes. Realmente muy recomendable.
    Eva González ChavesEva González Chaves
    20:10 11 Feb 22
    Centro de adicciones fantástico, muy cuidadosos con el trato al paciente, muy profesionales, en 4 meses me siento curada

    Cocaine withdrawal

    Abstinence from cocaine begins with the second stage of the process, after overcoming psychological dependence and psychopathological consequences of being addicted to cocaine.

    The idea here is to identify the physical, psychological, emotional or spiritual trigger that caused the addiction and attack it with a personalised treatment according to the diagnosis.

    During this stage, the patient receives therapy from psychologists specialised in treating people with drug addiction. The patient works on various aspects and techniques that, when applied to their daily life and environment, will help them avoid relapse.

    The CITA Clinics programme consists of combining psychotherapeutic and sociotherapeutic activities and specifically assigned tasks. The main objective is to overcome cocaine addiction by changing habits and customs.

    deshabituacion de la cocaina

    Why choose CITA?


    We have professionals with more than 40 years of experience


    Expert help is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year


    We apply and adapt to the latest advances in neuroscience


    All pets are welcome on our expansive, green campus

    Cocaine rehabilitation

    Cocaine rehabilitation is the final phase of detoxification treatment. During this last stage, we focus on the successful reintegration of the patient into their family environment and daily life. We equip them with tools that will enable them to cope with episodes of anxiety, depression and stress that may motivate them to use substances such as cocaine.

    Through therapeutic strategies, the patient improves their ability to cope with the situations that led them to use. Strengthening their self-esteem is key for them and will have a positive impact on their daily life after overcoming the treatment.

    Moreover, in this phase, the aim of the specialists is to get involved in the evolution of the patient. We are committed to individual and personalised treatment, and this is what makes us a leading addiction centre worldwide.

    The professionals at CITA pay the necessary attention to each patient during the course of treatment, ensuring the well-being and successful recovery of each patient.

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    Let us help you take the first step

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      FAQ Frequently asked questions about cocaine cessation treatment

      How can I stop being addicted to cocaine?

      The first and most important step is to be aware that you have a problem and you definitely want to solve it. It is possible to give up drugs and detox, but having the will to do so is fundamental. It is possible, you can do it, you just need to take that first step towards healing and seek qualified help and the support of those closest to you.

      Apart from stopping consumption, what else do I need to change?

      It is not only a matter of stopping cocaine use and following the guidelines of doctors and therapists or taking prescribed medication, but also of changing one’s lifestyle and eliminating routines related to drug use. Addicted people are usually tied to a series of habits, rituals and patterns that need to be identified and eliminated. Detoxification involves a 360-degree change in many aspects of life. Early detection of those aspects that need to be eliminated or changed in order to start a new stage in life and avoid future temptations and relapses is extremely important.

      Should I leave my friendships?

      Yes, as long as they are users and are not in the process of detoxification.

      How can I start to quit cocaine?

      Once you have decided to put yourself in the hands of professionals to begin the detoxification process, it is time to begin the phase of detoxification and reintegration through psychological treatment and behavioural and habit change in the patient. Willpower, the desire to change and motivation are the keys to success. To begin with, we recommend that you do not start this journey alone, without help, it is important that you put yourself in the hands of specialised professionals to assess your situation in a personalised way.

      Is it necessary to take medication during the detoxification process?

      Coca withdrawal treatment often involves pharmacological treatment to support and mitigate the physical and psychological consequences of detoxification. Ideally, a personalised medical and psychological assessment should be carried out, as each patient is different.

      What are the phases of cocaine cessation treatment?

      The patient, after deciding to place themselves in the hands of professionals and start the detoxification process, will begin a phase of overcoming psychological dependence. In this step it is essential to detect the causes that led to drug use; to identify the physical, mental, emotional, etc… trigger so that it can be treated in a personalised way. The patient will receive therapy from qualified and experienced professionals. Thanks to the therapeutic techniques, it is possible to detect the trigger of cocaine consumption and, most importantly, to facilitate personalised treatment, considerably increasing the success rate. With the patient’s will, it will be possible to change their habits, customs and toxic beliefs.

      What is cocaine dependence based on?

      A person is dependent on a substance when he/she needs repeated administration of the substance over a schedule or period of time and is characterised by:

      • The intense desire to use on a continuous basis, with obtaining a dose being a priority in their routine.
      • The absence of tolerance to the effects of the drug after continued administration. Regular use causes an intense toxic reaction.
        Psychic dependence on the effects of the drug, especially as a way of mitigating withdrawal symptoms.
      • The negative consequences of cocaine use in the family or work environment.
      How long does cocaine detoxification treatment last?

      It is very difficult to estimate, as each case is unique, so the time frame varies. Treatment not only involves stopping use or cleansing the body, but also removing mental barriers and overcoming false beliefs and toxic habits. It is vital that any cocaine cessation therapy includes daily psychological work to help the patient overcome their withdrawal syndrome and accompany them on their journey towards full healing.

      What does cocaine withdrawal look like?

      It is experienced when the drug has been used on a recurrent basis and the use of the drug is reduced or stopped. It is an immediate effect and can be evidenced by visible physical symptoms such as cramps, vomiting, general malaise or tremors. The support of professionals from the beginning of the detoxification treatment is very helpful in dealing with this.

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