Neurological rehabilitation

Recovering cognitive abilities and brain functions that have been severely compromised or pre-existing conditions worsened by addiction is an important part of CITA’s research and treatment programmes – both accomplished by our neurological rehabilitation experts.


rehabilitacion neuronal

Neurorehabilitation, or neurological rehabilitation, is a complex healthcare process that aims to restore, minimise, or compensate to the greatest possible extent for functional deficits in individuals with severe disability secondary to addiction.

Our doctors use innovative methods of therapy and rehabilitation while always taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient and the results of any previous or newly-made diagnosis.

We have experts from around the world in our dedicated cognitive rehabilitation department who work together on improving patients’ neuroplasticity, cognitive functions (memory, attention, thinking, processing speed, cognitive flexibility, etc.) and personal skills (understanding and managing emotions, building social relationships, determining motivation, awareness, etc.).

Main treatment directions

  • Cognitive neurorehabilitation after recovery from addictions of toxic origin (alcoholism, drug addiction) and in case of toxic encephalopathy.
  • Neuro-rehabilitation of age-related cognitive deterioration: dementia, vascular encephalopathy, etc.
  • Development of personal skills in anxiety, phobic, depressive, obsessive-compulsive disorders.
  • Emotional exhaustion and stress managementPrograma de neurorehabilitación

Consultation and diagnosis

  • Initial consultation of the patient to familiarise him/her with the medical history and introduction to the therapy programme.
  • Psychological testing: a set of psychological methods to verify possible pathology or deficits in the brain.
  • Purpose of additional somatic diagnostics:

Detailed blood and urine tests, ECG, EEG, MRI,

Ultrasound, Transcranial dopplerography

Designation of an individual treatment regimen with subsequent daily monitoring of the implementation of the therapy plan.

rehabilitar neuronas

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    Cognitive neurorehabilitation technologies and methods

    • An individual path for the development of cognitive skills (memory, attention, thinking, processing speed, cognitive flexibility, etc.) and personal skills (self-control, understanding and managing emotions, building social relationships, determining motivation, etc.) through exercises, training, coaching, life hacks, life hacks (more than 400 trainings in the database). Cognitive and personal training is prescribed according to the results of neuropsychological diagnostics and taking into account the patient’s own wishes.
    • Molecular complex: For the improvement of brain function and cognitive functions, prevention and treatment of neurodegenerative diseases. The molecular complex makes it possible to protect and restore brain and nervous system cells and direct the impact on the consequences of neuronal death and compensate for negative symptoms (aggression, nervousness, depression, low motivation, poor memory, concentration, thinking, etc.). We work with the direct cause of the destruction of nerve cells, increasing the capacity of neurogenesis and developing neuroplasticity, removing toxins from the body, replenishing the missing trace elements and vitamins, improving metabolic processes in nerve cells, including oxygen uptake and providing energy.
    • Non-invasive electrical stimulation of the brain:
    • To activate the body’s natural internal resources to stabilise mental health and accelerate regeneration.
    • It allows you to selectively and strictly dosed activate the work of the structures that produce endogenous opioid peptides, which are the most important system in the body that regulates the activity of the neuro-immuno-endocrine system.
    • Clinically confirmed effects of TES therapy:
    • relief of withdrawal symptoms in the treatment of alcoholism and drug addiction
    • elimination of pathological attraction to alcohol and drugs
    • antidepressant effect, improvement of mood, normalisation of sleep
    • increased efficiency and reduced fatigue
    • stimulation of humoral and cell-mediated immunit

    Why choose CITA?


    We have professionals with more than 40 years of experience


    Expert help is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year


    We apply and adapt to the latest advances in neuroscience


    All pets are welcome on our expansive, green campus

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