Tobacco cessation treatment
If you are looking for a smoking cessation clinic, Cita Clinics detox center offers a revolutionary method to quit tobacco. We know the complexity of quitting tobacco and that is why we developed a method that addresses both physical and psychological dependence. Its effectiveness has been demonstrated, obtaining results in the short and long term.
Tobacco dependence is complex, in that different factors operate on it:
physical, psychological, cultural.
That is why the smoking cessation center, CITA, is based on a personalized technique, characterized by a global approach to smoking, which takes into account the physical and psychological dimension of the problem and identifies and classifies consumption patterns based on their preponderance. .
The figures on tobacco consumption are conclusive since today, it is responsible for more deaths than all other addictive substances combined.
How can I stop smoking now?
The spread of diseases such as lung cancer is indisputably linked to tobacco consumption.
As for smokers, 75% of them have thought about quitting smoking. Of them, 45% will try to overcome tobacco addiction, but only between 4 and 7% will achieve it without help.
The CITA method to overcome tobacco addiction is built from the individual themselves to create a model adapted to their personality and habits.
It is about attacking addiction from the root, identifying the physical and psychological motivations that lead the patient to smoke.
By recognizing these, the patient will be able to react and confront them with the help of therapists and will learn the resources to oppose his desire to smoke and overcome his addiction to tobacco.
More than thirty years of experience and the satisfaction of our clients guarantee the quality of our work.
Contact us and find out what formulas exist to help you overcome your tobacco problem.
Nicotine withdrawal
Nicotine withdrawal is a fundamental part of the process, since it is the starting point of the treatment.
smoking. Some tobacco withdrawal symptoms could be:
- Mood changes: Irritability, frustration, anger, anxiety, depression, hostility, impatience.
- Physiological symptoms: Drowsiness, fatigue, Restlessness, difficulty concentrating, decreased agility
mental, lightheadedness, headache, chest tightness, body aches and pains, tingling in extremities,
gastric discomfort, hunger, urge to smoke, anxiety. - And physiological symptoms: Weight gain, decreased heart rate, increased circulation
peripheral, EEG changes, changes in endocrine functions, changes in neurotransmitters,
decreased performance, sleep disorder, constipation, perspiration, mouth ulcers, increased
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Why choose CITA?
We have professionals with more than 40 years of experience
Expert help is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year
We apply and adapt to the latest advances in neuroscience
All pets are welcome on our expansive, green campus
Tobacco treatment
Nicotine addiction
The first step in overcoming tobacco addiction is to overcome the physical addiction to the substance. The addictive power of nicotine has been proven in numerous studies, there is no scientific doubt about it. That is why the first step is to overcome that need acquired by the body.
Behavioral addiction to smoking: dishabituation of gestural automatisms
Decía Flaubert que las costumbres se convierten en tiranías. El consumo de tabaco no escapa a esa norma. Igual que esos momentos o esa necesidad psicológica que asociamos al tabaco(cuántos fumadores que lo intentan dejar sienten verdadero miedo al miedo y a su reacción en momentos de estrés)también es necesario neutralizar los gestos vinculados a la costumbre de fumar. Como en tantas ocasiones, el tabaquismo también descansa en pequeños detalles.
Adicción psicológica al tabaco: hábito
To overcome smoking cessation, just as important as physical cessation is psychological cessation. Those moments that every smoker knows are linked to cigarettes (coffee, social situations, moments of stress…) are true traps for overcoming smoking. At CITA our method evaluates routines and designs a specific plan for each smoker, which focuses on deactivating routines linked to tobacco consumption.
Effects of tobacco addiction
Smoking is considered a disease due to its impact on a social, physical and psychological level. The effects of tobacco are harmful to health, as studies show and that is why every year there are more people who want to clean their lungs and recover their healthy life.
These are the main harmful effects that cigarettes cause in people:
Affects the bronchopulmonary system
Smoking causes lung cancer, larynx cancer, and affects the reproductive system and digestive organs.
cardiovascular problems
since it affects the organs that impact daily activity and negatively impact our vascular health.
Effects on the oral mucosa
Due to cigarette combustion, it can affect, for example, gingivitis and periodontitis.
Emphysema, COPD, chronic bronchitis and peptic ulcer
It increases the risk of suffering from emphysema, COPD, chronic bronchitis and peptic ulcer. In addition, it predisposes to coronary, cerebral and peripheral arterial arteriosclerosis.
Stomach and heart
Greater possibility of contracting stomach ulcers, diseases related to the heart and blood vessels.
Causes wrinkles in the skin due to the degradation of elastic fibers
Oral health
Unpleasant breath and yellow teeth are some of the effects of tobacco on vocal hygiene.
How to stop smoking tobacco
The method to quit smoking
At the CITA smoking cessation clinic, we carry out the method mainly consisting of comprehensively covering smoking by identifying consumption patterns, that is, the types of smoker. Thus, if the smoker has a physical dependence on consumption, the possibility of resorting to pharmacological help opens up, always supervised by a professional.
Cita also provides a secluded environment and spaces for physical activity, improving patient response and facilitating the weaning process. The CITA method allows us to speak of a revolutionary system, of proven solvency, as attested to by our high satisfaction rates.
Likewise, CITA has a day center for outpatient treatment and has the possibility of hospitalization to quit smoking.