Treatment for alcoholism

Addiction to alcohol or alcoholism is the most common substance addiction across the world and is recognised as a pathology (disease). However, a large body of research and the decades of experience that CITA staff have also show us that alcoholism is curable with rehab and treatment programs.

Tratamiento para dejar el alcohol

Without expert support and addiction treatment, alcoholism, or alcohol addiction, can cause a range of long-term physical and psychological problems, and can even be fatal. 

At CITA, we use our own custom-built treatment programme that has demonstrated great effectiveness over the years and made us as one of the leading rehab centers for alcoholics. As with all our treatment programs, it combines medical, psychological and therapeutic work which starts after the often-difficult alcohol detox has been managed.

How we can help you with addiction to alcohol

At CITA, we offer the perfect environment for recovery from alcohol addiction or alcoholism, and a team dedicated to each patient’s journey to a clean, sober life. We are one of the leading centres for alcoholics and have more than 30 years of experience in this.

With a staff of more than fifty professionals from different fields – psychiatrists, psychologists specialicing in addictions, educators, sociotherapists, doctors specialising in alcoholism – who can help, we can cure like few other centres can.

We walk patients through the three different stages of treatment – detox, dishabituation and rehabilitation.

Find the support you need at CITA and stop drinking forever. Call us now on (+34) 937 91 80 08 or fill out the form below for a confidential conversation and assessment.

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What is alcoholism?


Alcoholism or addiction to alcohol, also often called alcohol use disorder (AUD), is a common enough medical condition. People with alcoholism can’t stop drinking, even if their alcohol use upends their lives and the lives of those around them.

The disease can be mild, moderate or severe. Treatments may include medication and behavioural therapy. While people with this condition may start drinking again, studies show that with treatments and rehab like ours, people can and do stop drinking entirely.

Alcoholism has been on the rise and it is common nowadays to find young people, even adolescents, battling this addiction.

Some of the most common symptoms of alcohol addiction include:

  • Finding that you’ve built a tolerance to alcohol, meaning that you need to drink more to feel ‘drunk’
  • Drinking heavily on your own, even to the point of passing out
  • Intense cravings for alcohol, to the extent that these affect your mood and concentration levels
  • Missing out on special occasions due to your drinking habits
  • Feeling as though alcohol has taken over your life
  • Lying or being deceptive about your drinking habits
  • Continuing to drink despite the negative effects, minor or significant, it is having/ has had on your home, work, social life or your mental health

What do our patients say about us?

10:00 11 Jan 25
He estado ingresado 2 meses ingresado en CITA y solo tengo palabras de agradecimiento para todos los profesionales administrativos,monitores,socioterapeutas,psicólogos,psiquiatras y sobretodo a mis compañeros de ingreso.Entre en un momento muy difícil de mi vida y me han ayudado mucho en un entorno idílico en plena naturaleza, terapia con caballos y habitaciones confortables para que todo sea más fácil. Ahora pasaré a ambulatorio para hacer un seguimiento de mi proceso de desintoxicación. Mi nombre es Moisés soy adicto y CITA me ha ayudado a coger las riendas de mi Vida.MUCHAS GRACIAS DE CORAZÓN ❤️
Sonia Rojo D.Sonia Rojo D.
09:39 29 Nov 24
Espectacular!!Los profesionales y la comunidad han ayudado a mi hermano en todo el proceso de desintoxicación y ahora seguirá vía on line con su psicóloga.Estoy súper agradecida de ♥️Tengo de vuelta a mi verdadero hermano.
15:43 28 Nov 24
Me ha resultado.
09:27 22 Nov 24
Ha sido un placer pasar estos meses en este lugar.excelentes profesionales y trato inmejorable
Miti F.Miti F.
13:19 25 Sep 24
Hemos quedado más que satisfechos con el tratamiento brindado a un amigo muy cercano de nuestra familia. Los profesionales son de lo mejor que hay, y las instalaciones de primer nivel. Nuestro ser querido ha vuelto a estar saludable y está feliz de haber recuperado su vida. Eternamente agradecidos!
marti morilla B.marti morilla B.
11:20 23 Jul 24
Contento con el tratamiento que he hecho en la clínica , he aprendido cosas sobre mi que me ayudaran mucho en mi nueva etapa. Gracias a todos , monitores , socioterapeutas y psicologos . Dar las gracias de Nuevo especialmente a Paula y a Imad, mis dos referentes en el tratamiento que me han ayudado a abrir los ojos .
Ricardo Manzano H.Ricardo Manzano H.
10:12 01 Sep 23
Vine a visitar a un amigo en este centro y me he sorprendido por el entorno de naturaleza donde está, pero lo que más me ha llamado la atención es ver la evolución de mi amigo y los buenos resultados que se están logrando, solo queda agradecer a los grandes profesionales de este centro.
Sonia P.Sonia P.
13:49 31 Mar 22
Los terapeutas y auxiliares atienden muy bien las necesidades de su paciente, y los recepcionistas responden a todas las dudas y preguntas de forma amable y rápida. En general son todos muy profesionales y serios en su trabajo, además el lugar es agradable y superbonito.
Javier C.Javier C.
11:15 28 Mar 22
Un lugar para reflexionar, escuchar, aprender de otros y aceptar cómo eres.Magníficos profesionales que te ayudarán durante tu estancia y después de ella.Un remanso de paz que irá apareciendo de forma más y más clara, si te comprometes contigo mismo.
mathew M.mathew M.
15:20 20 Mar 22
CITA, un centro ideal para ayudar a las personas con problemas de adicción y salud mental. Yo ingresé hace 2 años y medio y no me arrepiento de nada, fue una etapa mala de mi vida, gracias a saber aprovechar la oportunidad que me dieron tanto mi familia como Cita ahora soy otro ser distinto, ánimo a toda esa persona que necesite ayuda que se deje ayudar por profesionales de verdad, animaros para daros una segunda oportunidad.
Info V.Info V.
14:47 28 Feb 22
Conozco de cerca su increíble equipo de médicos y puedo avalar su profesionalidad y su alto índice de recuperación que tienen en sus pacientes. Realmente muy recomendable.
Eva González C.Eva González C.
20:10 11 Feb 22
Centro de adicciones fantástico, muy cuidadosos con el trato al paciente, muy profesionales, en 4 meses me siento curada
More reviews

Treating alcoholism

The first step of treatment is detox and managing withdrawal symptoms. The nature and severity of the alcohol withdrawal symptoms that you experience will be influenced by a number of personal factors, including how much you have been drinking and how regularly, plus your general mental and physical health. The medical team will be on hand to help patients through this stage.

 In addition to prescribing medication to help with alcohol withdrawal symptoms and through the detox process, CITA believes that counselling and therapeutic intervention are fundamental to quitting alcohol for good.

This is why the medical and therapeutic team jointly evaluates the individual characteristics of each patient’s use, establishing different protocols for each case and circumstance, which allows not just a personalised approach but also a more precise, more effective treatment to the problem of alcoholism.

We use a whole range of tried and tested therapeutic methods to help you with your addiction. Key to all these methods is one-to-one psychological counselling twice a week and up to 18 group sessions and workshops a week.

The proof of that our addiction treatment programmes work is in the lack of dropouts in the often-difficult detoxification period and the excellent evaluation we continuously receive from patients who come in for alcohol addiction at the end of the treatment.

alcohol tratamiento fase 1 2
tratamiento del alcoholismo
tratamiento para superar el alcoholismo

Why choose CITA?


We have professionals with more than 40 years of experience


Expert help is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year


We apply and adapt to the latest advances in neuroscience


All pets are welcome on our expansive, green campus

Quitting alcohol

Before going to a clinic for alcoholics, it is essential to research the information related to this problem.

Prevention of alcoholism has to begin during adolescence, since at this stage of life it is easier for addiction to develop.

At CITA, we believe that there are factors that help prevent alcohol consumption among young people, such as a constant dialogue with people at risk of alcoholism, but also the transmission of values, teaching sobriety, reinforcing positive behaviors, among others.

Información general sobre el alcohol

El alcohol empezó a ser considerado un grave problema de salud a nivel estatal con el surgimiento de industria, es decir, cuando empezó a destilarse (con la conversión del alcohol etílico o etanol en bebidas como el aguardiente). Sin embargo, esta sustancia es una de las más antiguas que se conocen, por lo que podemos decir que han existido problemas de abusos de alcohol desde siempre.

La evolución de cómo tratar esta enfermedad ha ido perfeccionándose en un centro de alcoholismo como CITA.

Cada vez hay más personas que piden ayuda para dejar de beber, y lo logran mediante una terapia con diferentes pasos para dejar el alcohol y la ayuda de médicos especialistas en alcoholismo.

Hay personas que quieren dejar el alcohol sin ayuda, y con algunos consejos para dejar de beber lo logra. Pero hay pacientes que padecen depresión alcohólica y no saben qué hacer para no beber alcohol.

En Clínicas CITA sabemos cómo controlar el alcohol aportando nuestra ayuda a familiares de alcohólicos.

History of alcoholism

In the 1950s, the World Health Organization replaced the word Alcoholism with Alcohol Dependence Syndrome, including this problem among mental and behavioral disorders. Since then, the abuse of alcoholic beverages has begun to be valued as a type of addiction. It is then that society begins to wonder how to cure alcoholism.

Alcohol is the most consumed drug in Spain in recent decades, since three out of four people who try alcohol repeat consumption within thirty days. The social nature of alcohol and its penetration into culture and society often hide the dangers that the substance can entail.

For this reason, in recent decades more and more inpatient centers for alcoholics and rehabilitation therapies have emerged. To help all people who suffer from this addiction quit alcohol.

Symptoms of alcoholism

The habitual alcohol drinker suffers from a very long series of signs and symptoms that make them a
chronically ill and serve as a signal to know when it is necessary to go to one of the alcoholism clinics
To put an end to your addiction to alcohol:

  • Exaggerated joviality, with optimistic indifference to a problem that he does not know how to accept or understand.
  • Difficulty concentrating and sometimes time-spatial disorientation, confusing where you are or when you are doing an activity.
  • Memory disorders, highlighting the so-called ‘gaps’, periods of retrograde amnesia about the events that occurred during episodes of acute intoxication. Sometimes, the subject tries to fill these ‘gaps’ in memory with fables and imaginations, coming to believe himself what only his mind imagines.
  • Irritability and susceptibility. He does not tolerate contradictions or frustrations and responds to them aggressively towards others. He is suspicious of the behavior towards him of those around him and always fears that they intend to harm him.
  • Inability to execute verbally stated plans, due to the difficulty in understanding a long series of reasoning and establishing future projects.
  • Repeated promises to solve their problems, which they always fail to keep. This attitude is very characteristic when you are reproached for drinking or for the continuous problems it causes in your personal or work relationships.
  • Constant justifications and excuses for things you haven’t done or done incorrectly. He never assumes responsibility and does not admit that his problem lies in drinking.
  • Pathological jealousy of the couple. It may be a mild situation that only occurs during episodes of acute intoxication, or more serious and persists even during withdrawal phases. They are usually accompanied by insults and often physical aggression. The appearance of these jealousy manifestations may be influenced, apart from the effect of alcohol itself on the brain, by the alcoholic’s awareness of his sexual inferiority, caused by the action of alcohol on the glands.
Consequences of alcohol consumption

Alcohol toxicity affects metabolism, insomnia, and produces significant nutritional deficiencies. That is why the phases of alcoholism must be met, in order to relieve the symptoms of alcoholism thanks to alcoholism rehabilitation treatment such as those at CITA, which has doctors specializing in alcoholism. In this way, overcoming alcoholism is possible.

The symptoms of alcoholism can become chronic if effective alcohol treatment is not carried out, where an alcoholic’s symptoms will decrease until their health improves.

The physiological repercussions of alcohol are serious and in some cases irreversible. For example, the risk of contracting cancer increases with this type of addiction by producing major metabolic and endocrine alterations and neoplasias (newly formed tissues). There are two types of neoplasms, benign ones (benign tumors) and malignant or malignant ones (rebellious neoplasms). ).

There is no way to determine exactly the impact of alcohol on mortality rates, since it is often associated with other pathologies.

However, there is no doubt that it is a substance whose familiarity in our society hides the potential to cause terrible damage to an individual’s health. Precisely this is why treatment to stop drinking and admitting the patient to one of the alcohol detoxification clinics is so important.

Alcohol detox centers

It is important to go to an alcohol clinic when you see that drinking is affecting your life. If you consume alcohol too frequently, in exaggerated quantities and you cannot control yourself, you have distanced yourself from your loved ones and in short, drinking controls your life, you have to start treatment for alcoholism with the help of a professional so that you stop drinking. .

Addictions such as alcoholism require a therapy in which at CITA we are experts and we have a very high percentage of satisfaction. We have been one of the most effective and efficient alcohol detox clinics for years, knowing how to treat a patient with our personalized alcoholism treatment.

Alcohol addiction does not lie in a single cause but is the result of biological, genetic, social and psychological factors. For years, various studies have pointed to this correlation between genetic signs and alcoholism.

As one of the best clinics for admitting alcoholics, within CITA, alcoholism treatment is based on a global approach in the context of a bio-psycho-social care model, where “the whole is more than the sum of the parts.”

At CITA, in our alcohol detoxification treatments, we serve patients in a personalized way, taking into account the needs and characteristics of each one. We know how to remove alcohol from the body and how to cleanse the liver of alcohol, that is why it is one of the best alcoholism treatment clinics.

Upon entering our alcoholism treatment clinic, each patient is assigned a team of professionals or therapists that the patient will maintain until the end of treatment.

At the CITA detoxification center, therapeutic activities for alcoholism treatment are based on individual and group therapies.

We also have different complementary therapies, such as psycho-educational workshops, relapse prevention workshops, emotion management workshops, social skills workshops, yoga and different sports, which provide our patients with important therapeutic support and one of the places to intern alcoholics more appropriate.

Individualized evaluation of the case of alcoholism

As a preliminary step for an alcohol detoxification treatment, the therapeutic team at the CITA rehabilitation clinic for alcoholics evaluates the individual characteristics of each patient, establishing different protocols for each case and circumstances, which allows a more precise approach to the problem of alcoholism.

In our CITA alcohol detoxification treatments we serve patients in a personalized way because we take into account the needs and characteristics of each one. We know how to remove alcohol from the body and how to cleanse the liver of alcohol, that is why it is one of the best alcoholism treatment clinics.

Upon entering our clinic for alcoholism treatment, each patient is assigned a team of professionals or therapists that the patient will maintain until the end of alcohol addiction treatment.

It is essential that the addict does not want to give up alcohol without help, since without the help of professionals, the risk of relapse is greater. In short, in our alcohol detox clinic, the two main characteristics of our alcohol addiction treatment are individualized and intensive work.

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