Today on the CITA website (detoxification and treatment center for addictions) we offer the testimony of a clinic patient who talks about his entry into the center. Testimonials are a contribution of CITA virtual community with which we like to think we can help those who are in a difficult situation by providing an overview of the way that, perhaps, they are hesitating to go, the way out addictions, that others before them have already traveled. The testimonies claim that, display a recognizable figure, someone who has done or is doing that route.

My first day at a detox center. Testimony

Years have passed, many more than they should, and with them, life irrevocably. It is going without forgiveness or compassion whatsoever.

And here I am, almost noiselessly. How? Perhaps having done too, I find myself at the crossroads of the 45 Aprils, bare my soul and willing Spartan, ready to face a melee. At best, bloody and bitter against the elements. Yes, yes, with all that out of the way me unfairly, often knocking me down mercilessly in the ring of living …


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    Drugs, addictions. God, what a rough terms, go buzzwords. But how much damage, how much pain and suffering to the game get into them … So far I have won high peaks, dark storms and dealt supported hulking beasts. However, today’s enemy is presented to me this time disguised as a gentle velvety hand stretched me in apparent open friendship. And I, innocent prey, I would adopt without hesitation thinking that their intentions are noble.

    Ay, qué equivocado estaba. Me he pasado años con el demonio en casa dándole lo mejor de mí y los míos. ¡Qué torpeza! ¡Qué horror! ¡Qué sinrazón! Al socaire de “Yo sí puedo”, “esto no me asusta”, “tranquilo, yo controlo”, “soy casi como Dios”, a punto he estado de caer al abismo. A sus puertas, enfangado en lodos malolientes que me parecían rosas plenas de amable fragancia, me coloqué una y mil noches…

    -Get up and walk. No more to tempt fate. Open your eyes. Life speaks to you, that so far has treated you well and you have walked the heights from which visionas happiness, true, the usual, which does not come and the not wriggle or jump from car to car . Courage. Wake. Come on, man, get hooked on me and now I’m going slower than ever to enjoy me and please me and I present before yours, as they deserve.Up, then! Sunsum corda! …-Déjame sólo unos días, déjame que suelte lastre, que el miedo a lo desconocido y la vergüenza y el respeto humano y el cambio repentino pesan más de lo que esperaba. Déjame un instante y nos vamos. Guíame tú, que ya eres vieja y tienes experiencia de muchos años. ¡Adelante!

    It sounds the engines roar thundered over the runway. Noise, much bustle and noise performance comparable to the vortex desazonado plaguing my mind and waiting to start my journey. The journey of life is about to begin. We flew in a real flight, without fantasies or stories or metaphors. I think it’s an important trip. Perhaps pain, suffering and suffered, although something tells me that at the end, and unlike the others, shine the green hope. A real journey.

    The entry into the clinic

    It’s time for CITA. We came. Cross the footbridge. All around me I open a bucolic landscape, harmonious and almost contemplative. The atmosphere seeks peace, silence. In the forest, among trees of many species, hides my new shelter. I dismissed the taxi driver, man seasoned in these matters, carrying many hopes, triumphs and failures, in this brief transit has helped me at least soothing balm that has put some desosiego to my heartbeat.

    Disclaimer my baggage and even try to do it in order. Do not spend a lot of time. Ultimately all these vessels and little weigh shave compared to internal bundle. And for that, the fat, and there will be days and days of discharge.

    The meeting with the clinic staff

    Come the first professional meetings. The doctor gives the baton to my partner therapist. “My partner,” as they call it here. Fortuna, Italian by birth and accent, accompanied me to my room and there I requisition all that still binds me to the world from there. I rebel in me. Born early abandonment whys and response gaps.

    It’s been a roller coaster, a seesaw of emotions and mixed feelings that have stirred my spirit without any respite. I remember my wife, Dulcinea patient a wild and dreamy gentleman for whom so many sleepless nights have waited pregnant with rage and pain, without even their holy patience cushioned the blows. And between waiting and waiting, his quixotic fool bent on killing when facing giants were only windmills.

    At breakfast time and we all know: Tue, Lili, Jorge, Antonio, Maria Eugenia, Estefanie and David (the two French nationals), and Russian mastondonte very complicated name that leaves accompanied by a young, serene patient and secretary. They are all my brothers in the convent. Each with its history and its own backpack. Some have professed their vows for months. Others only a few weeks ago. But all of them are united by one goal: to embrace life and pasture time now as if the water were past that never again yesterday.

    Soon the socioterapeuta Fortuna call me to learn from my troubles and adventures. I understand you need a picture of his pupil even blurred. Take this opportunity to throw some of my heavy burden.

    A walk by CITA

    The main mansion is distributed on two floors. The ground floor serves as a meeting room , TV room , dining room and large kitchen. Everything passes by. It is our agora, the place of meeting, outbursts and long talks . Location plans and purposes , for supplies and stop along the way . It is our place in the world , reserved just for us. All a privilege ! In the upper floor houses the offices of our superiors . The ” prior” to his deputies are looking down from the tower and from there watch to ensure the present and , above all, solidly build our future. They go up every day to have personal encounters with some of them. For everything tidy scrambled to soak his wise counsel , to bring to light what more or less time we buried . Here we will go with the patience of Job to return tomorrow to fly like eagles, ever higher , ever further .

    The later you go poking through the forest. It’s time to release and vent energy. Antonio I proposed a duel beat us in the paddle tennis court. We hit the ball strong. As if we would release all the rage bad that we caused and caused us. It was worth it. Antonio and I were exhausted. So, after the game, a light victuals and rest is more than required.

    I lost my first day at CITA. And the appointment, for the first time in a long time, has been with LIFE.

    Clínicas CITA para el tratamiento de adicciones

    In the detox center CITA acomunada have an experience of over thirty years in the treatment of addictions. Drug Addiction, behavioral addictions, dual disorders… CITA is currently a reference detox center in Spain and Europe in regard to the treatment of addictions. Our working method is accredited by the high rate of customer satisfaction. In our facilities Dosrius (30 min of Barcelona) and the city of Barcelona over seventy professionals are the staff of one of the reference centers for the treatment of addictions. If you want to know more about us you can visit the website of CITA. If you have a specific inquiry, please contact us at CITA form or phone number +0033 93 791 80 80

    Autor: Comunicación Clínicas CITA

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